Avoid 5 Common Beginner Workout Mistakes

David Jeansonne
3 min readSep 11, 2018

Deciding to take on a healthier lifestyle and start working out more is a big step. Many find adopting this new lifestyle change can be very fulfilling and rewarding, but it can be challenging at first. If you’re new to fitness and working out, it’s easy to make the common beginner workout mistakes. Here’s how to avoid the top 5 workout mistakes for beginners:

Take It Slow

When first starting out, it’s easy to take on fitness with full speed ahead. But doing too much too soon can not only be dangerous, but you could easily lose you motivation to keep it up. This is a whole new lifestyle change. Adopting it into your life and schedule is going to take some baby-steps. Having a great week of workout often encourages beginners to amp their workouts the very next week to levels that they’re body isnt used to. This can lead to serious injury and doesn’t allow a safe rate of adaptation. To avoid this, take things slow and gradually build up over your fitness plan.

Listen to Your Body

You’ve probably heard the saying “no pain, no gain”. While this is a great line for motivation, it should definitely be take lightly. Its normal to feel a bit of soreness and discomfort when just starting a new workout plan, but many beginners make the mistake of ignoring the other serious pains that may accompany the new routine. If the aches and pains intensify, listen to your body and take a break for awhile. Just a day or two will help your body heal and recover. Ignoring this pains and continuing your workout will lead to worse injuries and will definitely take more than a couple days to recover from.

Pick the Right Shoes

It may sound silly, but what you put on your feet can greatly affect your fitness journey. Getting the right shoes or footwear and regularly replacing them can prevent injury. Depending on the workouts you do will determine the support you need. Going for a run and participating in a studio fitness class require two completely different types of footwear. Many beginners make the mistake of using the same sneakers for every workout.

Keep Track of Your Progress

One of the biggest mistakes a beginner will make is not keeping track of their goals and progress throughout their fitness journey. By keeping track of your workouts, you will see the progress you are or aren’t making. Take notes of the exercises you did, the weights you used, and how many reps you did. It’s also a good idea to track your physique by taking pictures and doing weigh-ins. By keeping track of your progress, you can see if you should make any changes if no improvements were made or to keep doing what you’re doing if you plan has been successful.

Have a Plan

A lot of the time, beginners have no idea what to do. Many simply begin with going for a run or doing numerous crunches week after week. But the to get the best out of your fitness journey, you need to have a workout plan. To avoid roaming aimlessly around the gym wondering what to do next, find a beginner’s program online or from a personal trainer to get you started and stick with it for at least eight weeks. By having a plan to follow, you’ll have an easier time keeping track of your progress and following a program helps to stay motivated from week to week.

For the original article, visit DavidJeansonne.com



David Jeansonne

David Jeansonne is an entrepreneur who founded CHAMPS BOXING™, Traffic Jam Events™, and Cover that Mouth!™. Learn more @ http://davidjeansonne.net.